Tag Archives: ultimate-frisbee

Robert Pattinson Talks Movie Roles, Testicles in Premiere

In his next movie, fans of Robert Pattinson will see this actor like never before. Seriously, watch this Cosmopolis trailer to see what we mean. The same can be said, meanwhile, for shots of R. Patt in this month’s special Cannes-based issue of Parade. Don’t believe us? Feast your eyes on the following photos: Pattinson tells the publication that working with director David Cronenberg has had a profound effect on his career. “Filming Cosmopolis with David changed something in me.” Rob says. “It gave me balls. I have five projects lined up right now that follow the path that movie opened for me. Before, I spent my time doubting myself. As soon as I read a script that I liked, I was working myself up, asking myself if I was good enough. Now, I tell myself: ‘F-ck it! If they want to hire you, go!” And hire him they have: Pattinson has signed on to star in Mission: Blacklist as a soldier who helps bring down Suddam Hussein. It’s based on a true story. Cosmopolis , meanwhile, makes its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival later this month.

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Robert Pattinson Talks Movie Roles, Testicles in Premiere

Rachel Ehmke, Minnesota Teen, Commits Suicide After Months of Bullying

Rachel Ehmke, a Minnesota seventh grader, reportedly took her own life as a result of three months of cruel bullying at the hands of her classmates. Just 13, she was found hanged in her home on April 29 after suffering repeated abuse such as threats, being called a “slut,” “prostitute,” and worse. A text message allegedly circulated through the student body three days before her death, encouraging others to pick on her so she’d quit school. Rachel Ehmke Suicide Case Sparks Investigation The text, described by a parent as “pretty explicit,” came from a student at a different school, officials said. Regardless, it was too much for Ehmke. Her parents, Rick and Mary Ehmke, said Rachel – who pleaded with them not to report the bullying, so as not to inflame it – left a note that read: “I’m fine = I wish I could tell you how I really feel.” Somewhat surprisingly, Rick said he’s not going to pursue legal ramifications against those whose actions pushed his daughter over the edge. “They’re kids who made horrible decisions. If [they] would’ve known this would happen I’m pretty sure they never, ever would have done what they did,” her dad said. “Sadly enough, even those kids that know who they are will carry this baggage their whole life. That’s a sad thing too, it really is.”

Rachel Ehmke, Minnesota Teen, Commits Suicide After Months of Bullying

Ultimate Frisbee Player Makes INSANE Catch For Touchdown … or Whatever It’s Called

We’re not sure what’s more incredible: This unreal catch by an Ultimate Frisbee player, who runs down a throw that appears to be 30 yards in front of him at one point, or … That there is a sanctioned Ultimate Frisbee league of some kind that is televised and has good athletes! Learn something every day. Anyway, watch in awe as Brent Anderson, who plays for something called the Connecticut Constitution, produces one of the sports highlights of the year: Best Ultimate Frisbee Catch Ever

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Ultimate Frisbee Player Makes INSANE Catch For Touchdown … or Whatever It’s Called

What are your Memorial Day Weekend plans?

Going to the BBQ? Movie marathon? Playing some hacky sack and ultimate frisbee in the park with your bros? Or maybe it's time to break out the bikini? http://current.com/shows/infomania/92456758_modern-lady-bikini-season.htm added by: afitzgerald