Howard Stern loves women with large breasts and little personality, so it should come as no surprise that he’s coming to the defense of Kim Kardashian. Earlier this week, the reality star was called on stage by Prince during a concert at Madison Square Garden. She proceeded to freeze , stand around like a mannequin and get dismissed from the spotlight. But Stern, a fan of Prince as an artist, blames the musician for this embarrassing incident. Kim Kardashian Freezes at Prince Concert “Apparently she’s supposed to dance like a stripper for him and she just stood there not knowing what to do,” Stern said on his radio show yesterday. “He throws her off the stage because she can’t read f–king Prince’s mind. He’s a bulls–t artist. I’m done with him.” Concluding by labeling Prince as a “scumbag,” Stern said “he seems to be an arrogant asshole lately.” That may be true, but let’s remember: Courteney Cox has a career because Bruce Springstein summoned her to the stage during a performance of “Dancing in the Dark.” Kim could have shown the world a spontaneous, fun-loving side if she had responded in similar fashion to this sitcom star. Instead, treating the opportunity like a professional athlete, she blew it.
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Howard Stern Defends Kim Kardashian Against "Scumbag" Prince