Activision wants Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 . After the massive success of Modern Warfare 2 , it’s not much of a surprise that Activision wanted Infinity Ward to develop Modern Warfare 3 . The publisher mentioned Modern Warfare 3 by name several times in their countersuit against former Infinity Ward studio heads Vince Zampella and Jason West, filed today in Los Angeles. The first time Activision mentioned Modern Warfare 3 in the suit was while listing the various practices Vampella and West allegedly engaged in, prompting Activision to launch the suit: “[Zampella and West were] delaying pre-production of Modern Warfare 3 and attempting to use that delay as leverage in their [Zampella and West] negotiations with Activision” Modern Warfare 3 comes up again several other times throughout the 23-page filing: “Among other things, they delayed pre-production of Modern Warfare 3 and attempted to improperly leverage their rights under the MOU [memorandum of understanding] to obtain further advantage for themselves and concessions from Activision.” “As a direct and proximate result of this breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, Activision has been forced to commit additional resources to Modern Warfare 3 , institute litigation to seek a declaration of rights, and incur costs and attorneys’ fees, and will incur additional expenses in connection with securing the benefits of the MOU.” It’s unclear what Activision means by “commit additional resources to Modern Warfare 3 ,” whether the publisher’s referencing the legal involvement, replacing the studio heads with temporary leadership from within Activision (which happened after creating the Call of Duty business unit), pulling in developers from other teams (Treyarch is the other central Call of Duty developer) or something else entirely. Have something to share? Sitting on a news tip? E-mail me . You can also follow me on Twitter . Activision – Infinity Ward – Los Angeles – Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 – Jason West
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Activision Namedrops Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Several Times In Lawsuit