Tag Archives: unfair-modeling

Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Ass of the Day

Iskra Lawrence is a clever marketer… She saw opportunity to get the fame she always wanted and she did it in an unconventional, yet obvious, I’m onto her, kind of way.. So she was a skinny enough, aspiring model, told she was too fat in her younger egotistical years where she felt she was hot enough to be a model… Then she realized that fat was trendy, and if she polarized her fat with being real fat, but still fuckable, she could get the model work she always wanted by default….especially if she whined about how unfair modeling is, so that in some retribution, they companies come back to prove her wrong by hiring her when she’s fat… And that whole fat confidence, cuz she knows she’s doing it for money, and will eventually go skinny again, you know ride the trend, but a revolutionary, leading the revolt, lobbying for the fat chicks everywhere…is because she made herself fat on purpose to get famous… And it worked… Here she is showing off how confident she is….now that she’s making that money being a fat chick, because what it comes down to is that it was always about the fame and money and now she can do it by actively tryng to stay fat, it’s her character she created and is winning with….but it’s a lie…actual fat chicks hate themselves too much to feel empowered or to do the shit this fat chick does… The post Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Ass of the Day