Tag Archives: unhelpful-role

John Stewart: 9/11 gatekeeper

Liberal funnyman John Stewart makes the news palatable for people who aren't political, but there is nothing funny about the staged media terror event and mass murder of 3000 people. Stewart joins other left gatekeepers such as Noam Chomsky, Bill Maher, Matt Taibi and a whole host of others who continue to uphold the “Osama bin Laden and his 19 fanatics armed with magical passports and boxcutters” fairy tale narrative. “While both of these guys have done some pretty amazing work pulling down the pants of right wing hypocrisy and government lunacy, they are nonetheless serving the unhelpful role of left wing progressive gate keepers by once again referring to 9/11 Truth activism as “conspiracy” stuff. Holding a huge sign on his show saying that “9/11 Was An Outside Job”, Stewart is feeding the perception that the left has better things to do than pay heed to serious questioning into the validity of the official 9/11 story. I suppose there is nothing “funny” about questioning the official story. Maybe it's time for either of these comedic geniuses to show some moral backbone and intellectual courage and bring David Ray Griffin or David Chandler onto their shows….but that wouldn't be funny….would it?” added by: maasanova