Tag Archives: their-expensive

Kyle Jenner’s Gratuitous Ass Pic of the Day

I don’t know if watching, or documenting anything Kardashian Jenner is worth doing, but it is going on in pop-culture, and I’ve decided to write about this shit everyday, for no real reason, other than it just becoming a horrible hobby…. I do know that like Sinead O’Connor, I think this novelty act family is just representative of everything wrong in society. They are pawns who have positioned themselves to just push product, like this is a marketplace and these idiots are just the most shameless, and loud… I am confident that everything horrible, and everything great has been written about these idiots…and trying to give it more attention is a waste of time, but when a 17 year old who fucks rappers, love rappers, and thinks she’s black because she has no identity as her family abandoned her and threw money at her when they were all caught up in themselves is almost sad… But then she jacks her shorts up her ass and gets a shot from some sleazy vantage point of her on one of their expensive cars like this is a hip hop video…that I guess she aspires to star in…and I realize that in their failures and successes…this is a win. A video posted by Kylie Jenner Snapchats (@kylizzlesnapchats) on Jul 11, 2015 at 1:34pm PDT If you don’t like Kylie, because she’s too young and things she’s black video vixen….here’s Kendall, who thinks she’s a model.. The post Kyle Jenner’s Gratuitous Ass Pic of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Kyle Jenner’s Gratuitous Ass Pic of the Day

Cristi by Joe Wehner for a Voyeur Shoot of the Day

This is a great “artistic” project called THIS VOYEURS LIFE that dabbles on the porno side of things – because it is strictly based on voyeurism…or the Voyeurism of an artist / photographer. What I gather from the about page, that the photographer lives with people for a period of time and watches them or shoots them having sex, getting ready, and being naked…doing the things they normally don’t have a dude watch them do…. I think the idea is something I would do, if I wasn’t reclusive and if I actually liked spending time with people, but then again, I am a voyeur. I already try to convince every girl I meet to show me her vagina, or at least her sexy pics on her phone. I try to convince every couple I know to have sex while I watch…I got people to let me watch oral yesterday – which was uneventful…but just something to do… So I am a little bias..but for other people like me…this is right up all of our fucking alley….because there’s nothing wrong with watching a girl letting us watch her…naked… Hottest thing I’ve seen all day.

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Cristi by Joe Wehner for a Voyeur Shoot of the Day

Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne on that “Pay Attention to Us” Hustle of the Day

Selena Gomez is on a yacht and in a bikini with Cara Delvingne – because it seems that both Cara Delevigne is a friend collector. The kind of socialite in the UK who is enjoying the buzz around her and turning to twitter to connect with these other starlets – who are surprisingly really boring and uninteresting to actually hang around – but who the world think are great – because the world are fucking blinded by the media and buy into all this bullshit that makes them all fucking rich.. We are the fucking problem, we perpetuate it…and it is not even all that clever that these girls have figured out how to manipulate the tabloids…because the tabloids are half retarded and will post any fucking story… I am just interested in their expensive, well paid, possibly fake, but I doubt it, that was just another cry for attention – like the whole Bieber thing – and now the possible fake lesbian with a model thing….tits….because lets face it…tits are more interesting than anything else these twats are up to… TO SEE THE BIKINI PICS CLICK HERE

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Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne on that “Pay Attention to Us” Hustle of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s George Condo Birkin of the Day

I am only posting this because how ridiculous the story is, and what is even more ridiculous how much people care…this is Kim Kardashian’s Christmas gift from Kanye…who fucking cares…but I like erotic nude paintings…and this is erotic..I think…probably not to her because no black guy is peeing on her…but to the rest of us…there’s a nipple!! The story is that Kim Kardashian, who probably already has a hundred Hermes Birkins, which can be 50,000 dollar purses if you get the right one, got a jacked up purse from Kanye, featuring work from an artist he’s into named George Condo, because Kanye is constantly trying to submerse himself in art and culture, to act like he knows whats up…and that artists art is probably work serious money… Now the question isn’t why would anyone want their expensive purse modified by an artist who probably makes the purse worth more, he was huge in street art in the 80s, the question is why walk around with it, when his art on the purse seems to be something he ejaculated out of his ass… He’s already established and doesn’t need to pretend he’s good or talented, the art scene has bought his lie, and people like Kanye are throwing money at him to do shit like this so whatever… It’s safe to say Kim is only wearing the purse to get people talking…because that’s what fame whores do. TO SEE THE PICS OF HER WALKING WITH HER PURSE CLICK HERE

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Kim Kardashian’s George Condo Birkin of the Day

Playing Remote Control Chicken With a Wind Turbine


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If you have some above average radio controlled airplane skills and a plane and camera that you are not afraid to lose, you could try your hands at a little wind turbine chicken, like this guy did. I’m not sure of the legality of it all, given the fact that people don’t take kindly to other people messing with their expensive things I’m guessing you could get yourself into some trouble. Playing Chicken… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The UberReview Discovery Date : 23/02/2011 08:17 Number of articles : 2

Playing Remote Control Chicken With a Wind Turbine

John Stewart: 9/11 gatekeeper

Liberal funnyman John Stewart makes the news palatable for people who aren't political, but there is nothing funny about the staged media terror event and mass murder of 3000 people. Stewart joins other left gatekeepers such as Noam Chomsky, Bill Maher, Matt Taibi and a whole host of others who continue to uphold the “Osama bin Laden and his 19 fanatics armed with magical passports and boxcutters” fairy tale narrative. “While both of these guys have done some pretty amazing work pulling down the pants of right wing hypocrisy and government lunacy, they are nonetheless serving the unhelpful role of left wing progressive gate keepers by once again referring to 9/11 Truth activism as “conspiracy” stuff. Holding a huge sign on his show saying that “9/11 Was An Outside Job”, Stewart is feeding the perception that the left has better things to do than pay heed to serious questioning into the validity of the official 9/11 story. I suppose there is nothing “funny” about questioning the official story. Maybe it's time for either of these comedic geniuses to show some moral backbone and intellectual courage and bring David Ray Griffin or David Chandler onto their shows….but that wouldn't be funny….would it?” added by: maasanova

Paul Krugman – The Angry Rich and Taxes – NYTimes.com

Tax-cut advocates used to pretend that they were mainly concerned about helping typical American families. Even tax breaks for the rich were justified in terms of trickle-down economics, the claim that lower taxes at the top would make the economy stronger for everyone. These days, however, tax-cutters are hardly even trying to make the trickle-down case. Yes, Republicans are pushing the line that raising taxes at the top would hurt small businesses, but their hearts don’t really seem in it. Instead, it has become common to hear vehement denials that people making $400,000 or $500,000 a year are rich. I mean, look at the expenses of people in that income class — the property taxes they have to pay on their expensive houses, the cost of sending their kids to elite private schools, and so on. Why, they can barely make ends meet. And among the undeniably rich, a belligerent sense of entitlement has taken hold: it’s their money, and they have the right to keep it. “Taxes are what we pay for civilized society,” said Oliver Wendell Holmes — but that was a long time ago. The spectacle of high-income Americans, the world’s luckiest people, wallowing in self-pity and self-righteousness would be funny, except for one thing: they may well get their way. Never mind the $700 billion price tag for extending the high-end tax breaks: virtually all Republicans and some Democrats are rushing to the aid of the oppressed affluent. added by: mik661