Tag Archives: united-music

DMX Released From Prison, Plans To Go See His Daughter

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Earl “DMX” Simmons was released from prison earlier today from an Arizona prison after serving six months for a probation violation. “I’m gonna see my daughter, I just got off the phone with my wife. I’m going to see my daughter while the sun is up then I’m in the studio, man” Earl told AllHipHop.com. DMX has several deals lined up upon his release such as “A new album about to be released, a new video game, touring opportunities, even a new reality show,” says Ms. Walker, the CEO of Built For War Management.  “He is signed to United Music & Media , a division of WEA, the video game prototype was done by Mojo Bone Studios, and as soon as he gets out, I have a production crew who will fly out to Arizona ready to begin production on his new TV series. There are millions of dollars on the table for him…” DMX Violation Could Cost Him Millions [EXCLUSIVE] DMX Caught Sneaking Drugs Into Yuma State Prison

DMX Released From Prison, Plans To Go See His Daughter