Tag Archives: unoccupied-hot

The Ultimate Otaku […]Station [NSFW]

“Warning: looking at this picture in its full size is not recommended for work, school or family unless you work/study at an awesome place and your family is kinda quirky. Not only is this the biggest personal monitor array I have seen but its been set up to be the ultimate Otaku fapstation. I’m surprised there’s not a kleenex or toiler paper roll anywhere to be seen, but I guess when you have enough money for 24 monitors worth of porn, cleaning up becomes the least of your concerns. It weird, I’m really sad for the person who owns this but I also feel a tremendous respect for him.” http://darkdiamond.net/web-notes/the-ultimate-otaku-fapstation-nsfw/ added by: Agent_Alpha

Hot-Tubbing Man Calls 911 for Hot Chocolate and a Hug

Mark Eskelsen, homeless before he found an unoccupied hot tub, laid it all out for the 911 dispatcher: he needed some of life's basic essentials. added by: Progresshiv