Dancing was a lot different before booty dancing, also known as grinding up against a dude in the club lackidasically posted on a wall, was all the rage. No worries that someone was going to shine a light in your face and say “break it up!,” no waiting until the lights were turned down low or that a fight could start. Dancing was all in good fun. Both men and women gladly got down on the floor with the help of some of the catchiest dances found in three to four minute music videos on stations like The Box. Hopping backwards doing the “Tom & Jerry,” swinging your arms doing the “cabbage patch” or “the wop,” and running rhythmically in place with “the running man,” once one person saw it, it was like an infection–everyone had to get in on it. So we’re taking a retrospective glance at a few other dances that have had us looking a fool to the older “twist” and “shout” generation, but had us feeling cooler than cool on the dance floor. ( Continue )
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Bust A Move: Dance Crazes We Used To Love… And Still Do