Tag Archives: uses-the-word

Are You More Offended By Someone Who Outside The Black Race That Uses The “N-Word?”

Originally posted here:

The notion of completely doing away with the “N-Word” is an on-going debate with no clear end in sight. Some people find it offensive, cringing anytime it is heard whether it be mainstream or locally; some others come across nonchalantly, seemingly careless. Some say it has no meaning left to it and that it is simply a word. Some agree that “n***a” is different than saying “n***r” because one has malicious intent and the other simply a way to address an individual of any race. With several opposing sides the debate seems unsolvable. The “N-Word” is used frequently in Hip Hop and often defended by the artists. DJ Khaled, Palestinian descent, most recently defended his use of the word in an interview with GrindHD.com saying “I’m a n***a. If somebody ever took that in an arrogant – if someone thinks it in another way, they dumb.I grew up like that. It’s slang. It’s actually a positive word the way that I use it, the way that Ace [Hood] is using it. If you think like that, that goes back to the internet.” It is evident that the “N-Word” isn’t taking a vacation anytime soon, the question I pose for you is, as an African American are you more offended when other races use the word ‘n***r’?” In 2008 Fat Joe, Puerto Rican/Cuban descent, said “N***a, b***h, hoe/some chicks is b****s, some chicks is hoes…Now who gonna tell me I can’t say n***a?” Does that comment sting more than it would if it was coming from a black person? Lets try this line from Jay-Z’s song “N***a What?” which uses the word throughout the song: “N***a what, n***a who? n***a what, n***a who? Switch ya flow, get ya dough, can’t f**k with this Roc-a-Fella s**t doe.” Jay-Z uses the same “N-Word” as Khaled and Joe but being that he is doesn’t get penalized. Does that make it easier to cope? Let me know in the comments…

Are You More Offended By Someone Who Outside The Black Race That Uses The “N-Word?”

Jesse James: Gay Slur-Using, Cheating, Nazi Jackass

If you thought Jesse James’ reputation couldn’t get any worse, think again. Accusations of gay bashing have surfaced surrounding Sandra Bullock’s cheating husband. James has been accused of many unfavorable things, thanks to a sordid cheating scandal, a Nazi photo , etc. But here his own words may come back to bite him. No, not the texts he wrote to Merilee Gerth . These emails are way worse. An email between Jesse and a former coworker features Jesse making many gay slurs, behavior that has been leveled at him before by coworkers and acquaintances. In what looks to be a falling out between Jesse and others, he writes: “Now you guys will be able to Suck each others d***s without anyone giving you a hard time!” Lovely . An artist’s rendition of Jesse James’ reputation … and soon career . Oh, but it continues: “That’s right!… my place is ‘f***ed up’ … and the Two most ‘f***ed up’ things about my place are gone now! … Don’t worry though you 2 f***ots will be fine!” the a$$hat continued. “Maybe Just Maybe?” “If you suck his d**k real hard he might even put you guys on TV!” Goodness . Several sources have suggested that Jesse James has always had a problem with the gay community and has been known for making gay slurs in the workplace. “He uses the word f***ot all the time,” an insider said. “It makes people really uncomfortable and it’s very inappropriate, but it flows out of his mouth just as naturally as ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ does with most people.” Time for Sandra Bullock to call her divorce attorney.

Originally posted here:
Jesse James: Gay Slur-Using, Cheating, Nazi Jackass