Tag Archives: usually-tricks

Selena Gomez in Some Photoshoot of the Day

After looking at these pics of her troll belly trying to look cute while looking like some kind of rodent face….I realize why Justin Beiber, Homosexual, would take his fake relationship for his tween fans to Victoria’s Secret, because like closet cases everywhere, Victoria’s Secret models are the girls the media tells us to like when we have no interest in girls…while everyone, gay or straight…knows a Disney childstar who has fallen off now that the Disney Peter Pan drugs are wearing off…rounding her out into what you’d expect a girl named Gomez to look like…is not anything to brag about when you’re a fucking star and theoretically can fuck anything that isn’t portly….

Continued here:
Selena Gomez in Some Photoshoot of the Day

Jessica Simpson Pregnancy Scam of the Day

Jessica Simpson is pregnant again…some would say it was because she’s a fertile cum loving pervert who needs cum inside her at all times…while the skeptics like me…would say that it is the best way out of her million dollar weight watchers contract….in a “you can’t call me fat I’m still pregnant – so I will not pay you those millions back” kinda way….but the real issue is why her Jesus loving Christian conservative, uneducated, walmart working fans haven’t written her off as a divorcee, hooker, heathen, harlot with babies out of wedlock slut….is it cuz those Christians are inconsistent and full of shit in their brain wash hustle….or is it that they are so forgiving….so many questions that all end in one very important place….her ridiculous bra size….

More here:
Jessica Simpson Pregnancy Scam of the Day

Alyssa Miller Titties For Turkish Harpers Bazaar of the Day

What were you doing July 4, 1989? It was the day my soul mate I’ve never met but figure she’s my soul mate cuz telling girls they are your soul mate usually tricks them into thinking you actually believe in your love for them….and they find that refreshing after all their failed relationships…you know to find someone so committed….and in turn that makes them want sex from you… Her name is Alyssa Miller….she’s an SI model…she’s a babe…now she’s topless for Turkey…and I’m not talking Thanksgiving…I’m talking the arab country that’s more liberal than america is when it comes to tits…. Either way…she’s an all american vagina I want to experience in mouth, hand and penis.


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Alyssa Miller Titties For Turkish Harpers Bazaar of the Day