Tag Archives: vagina-spread

Christina Aguilera’s Leaked Porn Pics of the Day

She really looks like a cheap grade stripper I’d pay for a lap dance cuz I felt bad that her dreams as a Vegas showgirl didn’t work out for her. She’s been getting bad press for leaving her husband cuz he’s ugly and cuz she cheated on him on set of some shitty movie I will probably end up seeing because their PR tricks are so captivating…. I mean releasing pics, staging divorces and sex scandals. Hollywood is a fucking joke. I believe none of it. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to fuck her for old times….but this washed up chunky garbage is not what I’d be thinking of while doing it….Genie in a bottle baby…gotta rub me the right way…the way I used to rub me when watching your music video before I knew what internet was…. These are too non nude for me to care. If anything they are boring. I like my sexting a litte more vagina spread open…but you can see some x-tina implant nipple.

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Christina Aguilera’s Leaked Porn Pics of the Day