Tag Archives: very-surprising

Having Puppy = Having Baby

Having a puppy is just like having a child, right? Well, in case you need some pointers, here's this handy video. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Hitler, For Turkeys

Those turkeys are totally ready to take Poland. Please send all animal cruelty complaints to Jack , who did not find it funny either

Hitler, For Turkeys

Virgin Mary Seen In Bird Poop

Holy crap! The Virgin Mary has been spotted on a Jeep in Texas.

See the rest here:
Virgin Mary Seen In Bird Poop

Repurpose Your Old Vibrator

Stupid Inventions brings you their latest invention, The Popcorn Sorter. All you'll need is a pasta strainer and an old sex toy. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Leif Olson Hole-In-One (Amazing!)

This is better than most billiard shots! [ Editor's Note : This was during the third round of the RBC Canadian Open. It's really just a very surprising shot.] Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment