Tag Archives: via-girlfriend

Gay Former NFL’er Says He Knows A Few Players Who Are “Semi-Open,” But The Gay “Jackie Robinson” Of Pro Sports Might Just Look Like 2 Chainz

The days of pro players hiding in the closet may truly be numbered… In an interview with Toure on Daily Beast now openly gay former NFL baller Wade Davis discusses how there are already semi-openly gay pro players and his fears about the “Jackie Robinson” moment for the LGBT community: T: Is there a professional athlete fraternity or an NFL fraternity? W: Both. There’s one that exists in the NFL and there’s one for sports. It’s not talked about, it just is what it is. Because we’ve all gone through the same thing so there’s a protection that exists if you’ve gone through what it takes to make it at that level. T: So the guys in the NFL who are gay have protection? W: Yes. Openly gay is a bit strong cuz when we think of openly gay we think of walking down the street with your boyfriend but there are players who know that this player may have a boyfriend or may not date women and that’s just it. It’s not talked about. He’s there to do a job, I’m here to do a job, it’s not talked about, he’s my brother, he doesn’t treat me any different than anyone else does. T: Can you give an approximate number of how many gay men there are in the NFL? W: I only know of three. T: You know of three guys in the NFL? W: Not only in the NFL. There’s some in the NFL and some in the NBA. T: Known names? W: I wouldn’t say they’re known names but one’s a starter. Hmmm wonder who that could be? Any ideas folks? Hit the flip for Davis’ explanation on “semi-open” players and why he doesn’t think it’s as big a deal as some folks make it.

Gay Former NFL’er Says He Knows A Few Players Who Are “Semi-Open,” But The Gay “Jackie Robinson” Of Pro Sports Might Just Look Like 2 Chainz

All Sausage Everything: Tourist Hot Spots Where Women Are Legally Not Allowed To Visit

Tourists Spots Where Women Are Forbidden To Go Men love women, it’s a fact. But unfortunately, there are more than a few places in the world that are on an all-meat diet. Translation: Men only. via Fox News Whether via girlfriend getaways, solo sojourns or adventure-heavy holidays, women are traveling more than ever these days. But even in today’s age of increasing gender equity, there are spots across the globe where the absence of a Y chromosome means a traveler must tread lightly – or not at all. Many of these bans on females are steeped in religious tradition and etiquette, but is a reminder of how far, or not, women have come. Let’s take a look at a few bromance-heavy tourist and popular vacation spots where women are not allowed. Images via Shutterstock

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All Sausage Everything: Tourist Hot Spots Where Women Are Legally Not Allowed To Visit