I like these young starlets enough to wait around for their bikini pics to hit so that I can post them on this site…but I generally have a hard time remembering which one is which…and I heard pussy in Zombieland came out as a dyke , I was hoping it was Little Miss Sunshine cuz that would have been funny…but it turned out it was the one who plays Mark Zuckerberg’s neighbor for a few minutes. Clearly, she is trying to get noticed by pulling a Lohan, even though everyone knows lesbians don’t exist and the only girls who are lesbians are built like dudes and dress like dudes, the only hot dykes are chicks who were molested by dudes enough growing up to fear dick….or who are easily influenced and manipulated by the girls built like dudes through friendship to “try it out” cuz “guys are jerks” and “i’m your best friend, trust me it feels good”…not that it matters, Cuz this is Emma Stone and she is the only Zombieland pussy worth noticing today…and she’s not using cheap or bottom-feeding stunts like pulling the “I’m a lesbian, talk about me” card like she’s fucking Anne Heche….. I hate publicity stunts…unless they come with video footage of the bullshit….which hasn’t happened in this PR strategy yet…. Here is Emma Ston at some event cuz I wannna fuck her…

Go here to see the original:
Emma Stone is Not a Lesbian of the Day