Tag Archives: video-montage

Chris Brown ft Justin Bieber – Next To You Cover By Nikola Tefov n’ Riste Trajkovski)

Produced by Nikola Tefov Music by Nikola Tefov Vocals by Nikola Tefov, Riste Trajkovski Video Recorded by Vladimir Karlovic Video Montage by Nikola Tefov htt… http://www.youtube.com/v/ID5sgeCg50M?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata See the rest here: Chris Brown ft Justin Bieber – Next To You Cover By Nikola Tefov n’ Riste Trajkovski)

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Chris Brown ft Justin Bieber – Next To You Cover By Nikola Tefov n’ Riste Trajkovski)

Return of the Global Test


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(John Hinderaker) One of the key moments in the 2004 presidential campaign occurred in a debate, when John Kerry suggested that America’s military policy needs to pass a “global test” before it can be implemented. In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier today, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta went farther than Kerry, suggesting that “international permission” is the “legal… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Power Line Discovery Date : 07/03/2012 18:30 Number of articles : 3

Return of the Global Test

Fwd: Reading Soni Sori’s Letters from Prison: Video Montage Marks International Women’s Day


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Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : palashbiswaslive Discovery Date : 08/03/2012 06:25 Number of articles : 3

Fwd: Reading Soni Sori’s Letters from Prison: Video Montage Marks International Women’s Day

Julian Assange Fired From IT Job At Pentagon

http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01775/assangeSUM_1775173b…. ARLINGTON, VA—With officials describing his publication of sensitive U.S. State Department documents as “the last straw,” Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was asked to resign from his position as the Pentagon's IT coordinator Monday. “We gave him his first warning after the whole Iraq and Afghanistan war diaries thing, and strike two was when he forwarded that video montage of Nicolas Cage yelling to the entire staff,” Defense Department human resources director Curtis Shannon said. “But we just can't overlook this latest offense. Even if he's the only one who knows where the spare USB cables are.” At press time, Assange had already been invited to interview for an IT position at the Central Intelligence Agency. added by: toyotabedzrock