Tag Archives: virginie-fortin

Canadians Take On the Gun Crisis in America of the Day

Apparently, a couple of Canadians decided to stick their noses where they don’t belong…and make a song and music video about the US gun crisis…war on GUNS,…NRA….Constitutional right…that isn’t really any of their god damn concern…but that I guess they figured would get views if they made a powerful enough video… The people are JS Houle ft. Virginie Fortin and they are peddling their song on iTUNES…with this video…mocking the real life gun issues…that don’t involve them, affect them, and that are enough to get a trespasser shot… People like to think is a gun crisis because that’s just how it’s marketed when people kill each other with guns…when clearly if you want to kill people you can use more than just guns…provided guns were less accessible to get… I am not a gun toting republican, but I probably would be if I was American…because someone needs to start targeting hte right people when they do these mass shootings…like the celebrities…and not little kids at school…you sick fucks.. The post Canadians Take On the Gun Crisis in America of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Canadians Take On the Gun Crisis in America of the Day