Tag Archives: visibly-annoyed

Paris Hilton Walks Out on Good Morning America Interview

Part of the reason Paris Hilton returned to reality TV in The World According to Paris was to show the world she’s all grown up and mature now. Getting up and walking away during an interview on Good Morning America today when questions got tough didn’t exactly project that image. ABC correspondent Dan Harris asked about her show’s abysmal ratings and ho-tel heiress’ declining relevance in an ever-saturated sea of reality stars. Paris Hilton Walks Out on GMA Thrown off and visibly annoyed by this perceived affront on her A-list status, Paris shifted in her chair, looked toward her publicist, then peaced. Hilton never did say if “her moment has passed,” as Harris put it, but did return to finish the interview, which also contained these revelations: She broke up with Cy Waits after watching The World According to Paris and determining that the chemistry just wasn’t there. She fakes her airhead persona for the cameras.

See original here:
Paris Hilton Walks Out on Good Morning America Interview

Which New Actress Grossed Over $1 Billion at the Box Office This Year?

Ready for some shocking monetary figures that will put your $9/hour filing paychecks to shame? According to Forbes, Leonardo DiCaprio grossed $1.1 billion at the global box office in 2011 thanks to the fearsome twosome of Shutter Island and Inception . Okay, maybe DiCaprio’s perch on top of this year’s highest-grossing list is not that shocking. What is surprising, though, is which young actress finished just behind the actor, grossing over $1 billion. Any guesses?

See the article here:
Which New Actress Grossed Over $1 Billion at the Box Office This Year?

Jon Lovitz on Casino Jack, Replacing Phil Hartman and Lorne Michaels’ ‘Cheap Shot’

Jon Lovitz still gets visibly annoyed when the subject of a 1991 Saturday Night Live joke is the topic of discussion. On Dennis Miller’s last show, there was a short sketch where Lorne Michael’s asked Miller, “You’re not going to come back every week to hang out on the set like Lovitz, are you?” (Lovitz, who had left SNL the year before, had made four cameos during Miller’s final season.) When Miller responded, “No,” Michaels continued, “Because that would be pathetic. I mean, the man has no life … I mean, thank God every now and then he gets a movie.” Of course, it was a joke, but that doesn’t mean Lovitz wasn’t livid at the “cheap shot.”

Read this article:
Jon Lovitz on Casino Jack, Replacing Phil Hartman and Lorne Michaels’ ‘Cheap Shot’