Tag Archives: vocals-removed

I’m Upset: Frank Ocean Wants His Vocals Removed From Travis Scott’s Song “Carousel” Immeechiately

Image via Mark Horton/Getty Images/ars Niki/Corbis via Getty Images Frank Ocean Wants Off Of Travis Scott’s “Carousel” Frank Ocean is none-too-happy with previous number #1 album in the country holder Travis Scott. According to TMZ , Frank wants his vocals removed from the Astroworld cut “Carousel” post f**king haste. It is said that Mr. Nostalgia Ultra is upset because his verse or vocals were somehow altered from what he originally recorded. There’s quite a bit of autotune used on his voice and pitch changes happen throughout his part. In any event, he ain’t feelin’ it. Frank is so angry over it he reportedly had his lawyers send Travis a threatening cease & desist order to have him taken off the track, but no dice. Travis is said to have no plans on removing Francis from “Carousel”. He likes it just the way it is and that’s that on that.

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I’m Upset: Frank Ocean Wants His Vocals Removed From Travis Scott’s Song “Carousel” Immeechiately