Tag Archives: walk-calmly

infoMania’s Ben Hoffman Interviews Baba Booey This Thursday!

Do you have a backlog of questions for “The Howard Stern Show” producer Baba Booey that you just haven't gotten to ask? Lucky for all of us, Ben Hoffman's covering everything possible with man himself this Thursday at 11pm. Watch infoMania to see Gary Patrick Dell'Abate talk about his new book, “The Call Me Baba Booey,” not getting paid as much as people assume, and what's next for Howard Stern. infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Erin Gibson, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi, Ellen Fox, and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 11/10c on Current TV. Go to http://current.com/infomania for more, and make sure to check out our Facebook profile for special features at http://facebook.com/infomania . added by: Ben_Hoffman

TSA pats down a screaming toddler

You might think a 3-year-old would whiz through security. A child is non-threatening, wears slip-on shoes, and carries little luggage. Mandy Simon suffered through a TSA pat down. Mandy Simon suffered through a TSA pat down. Not the case for Mandy Simon who was passing through security with her dad at the airport in Chattanooga, Tenn. A TSA employee gave Mandy the pat down and she started screaming and kicking her legs. Her dad, Steve, happens to be a TV reporter and caught 17 seconds of the ordeal on his cell phone (watch below). Why was Mandy searched in the first place? She started crying when she was asked to put her teddy bear through the X-ray machine. This made it difficult for her to walk calmly through the metal detector and she set the machine off twice, which meant she “must be hand-searched.” more at link added by: Darevalo