Tag Archives: walk-the-other

Bella Thorne And Her Puppy Will Get You In Trouble

OK you perverts, so Bella Thorne took her dog out for a walk the other day, but don’t get too excited. You’re gonna need to keep yours on a leash for another few years, unless you want to be legally-prevented from coming within 500 feet of a dog park. So just move along before you get yourself in trouble. Related Articles: Bella Thorne Is The New Lindsay Lohan Bella Thorne Had A Birthday Bella Thorne Will Get You Into Trouble Bella Thorne Will Get You In Trouble Even During Christmas Photos: PacificCoastNews

See the original post here:
Bella Thorne And Her Puppy Will Get You In Trouble

Bella Thorne And Her Puppy Will Get You In Trouble

OK you perverts, so Bella Thorne took her dog out for a walk the other day, but don’t get too excited. You’re gonna need to keep yours on a leash for another few years, unless you want to be legally-prevented from coming within 500 feet of a dog park. So just move along before you get yourself in trouble. Related Articles: Bella Thorne Is The New Lindsay Lohan Bella Thorne Had A Birthday Bella Thorne Will Get You Into Trouble Bella Thorne Will Get You In Trouble Even During Christmas Photos: PacificCoastNews

See the original post here:
Bella Thorne And Her Puppy Will Get You In Trouble

Justin Bieber – Yellow Raincoat (A Simon Pereira Cover)

Decided to take a walk the other night with my Cam to soak up the beautiful Snow and ended up filming a few snippets to go with my cover of ‘Yellow Raincoat’. This is my favourite song from Justin Bieber’s Believe Acoustic Album, covering it was a must! Let me know what you think of my version. Thank you! See you soon! http://www.youtube.com/v/0xIN4gXIjas?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata See original here: Justin Bieber – Yellow Raincoat (A Simon Pereira Cover)

Go here to see the original:
Justin Bieber – Yellow Raincoat (A Simon Pereira Cover)

Ali Larter’s Post Pregnancy Chubcakes

I really love chubcakes, I always have, the only problem I have with them is that they’re normally attached to someone who’s not exactly in peek physical condition. It’s such a shame, but that’s how the universe works. This is a prime example. Here’s Ali Larter and her nice post pregnancy chubcakes going for a walk the other day to burn off some calorie, at least I hope that’s what’s going on…. Children really know how to mess up a woman’s body.

Ali Larter’s Post Pregnancy Chubcakes

I really love chubcakes, I always have, the only problem I have with them is that they’re normally attached to someone who’s not exactly in peek physical condition. It’s such a shame, but that’s how the universe works. This is a prime example. Here’s Ali Larter and her nice post pregnancy chubcakes going for a walk the other day to burn off some calorie, at least I hope that’s what’s going on…. Children really know how to mess up a woman’s body.

Hayden Panettiere Takes Her Giant For A Walk

Here’s hot little person Hayden Panettiere taking her pet giant for a walk the other day, I’d hate to see the size of the pooper scooper she’s going to need for this monster. Anyhow, I’m not sure I’m sold on her short little haircut, luckily she’s wearing a nice pair of short shorts so I don’t really have to think too much about it. the girl is just cute, there’s no two ways about it, so now that her show has been tanked hopefully she’ll be able to find some work. There are always after school specials to fall back on. more pictures of Hayden Panettiere here

Amanda Seyfried’s My New Internet Girlfriend

Here’s one of my new favorite hotties Amanda Seyfried taking her sad looking dog for a walk the other day. Poor dog must be so embarrassed wearing that retard cone, there’s got to be a better way to keep them from biting their stitches, like making the stitches electronically charged so that if he bites them he gets zapped. I guess that’s considered cruel, but it’s just a first draft. I know it worked for me with my chronic masturbation. Anyhow, the good news is that Amanda looks pretty cute so who gives a crap about the dog. Enjoy.