Tag Archives: want-grinding

Scientologist in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Her name is Alanna Masterson and she’s a Scientologist…a Scientologist in a bathing suit…which is really the best way to view Scientologists…I mean that and in their steam rooms…where they are cleansing their bodies from drugs thanks to the words of wisdom of a drug store, pulp, sci/fi writer who was broke and figured “why don’t I make my smut into a religion”…and found a solid following that turned it into the billion dollar cult…something I one day aspire to achieve with this site, because if you can turn smutty nonsense into a billion dollars, I an provide the smutty nonsense… Join me…in this journey of spiritual enlightenment by staring at a smoking Masterson…who is fatherless thanks to Scientology forcing you to disconnect by people who leave the church…meaning she’s got the level of daddy issues I want grinding against my leg while listening to love songs… The post Scientologist in a Bathing Suit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Scientologist in a Bathing Suit of the Day