Tag Archives: want-one

New Worlds Tallest Dog

Yo Titan, I'm really happy for your and I'm going to let you finish, but Clifford The Big Red Dog was the worlds greatest tallest dog of all time. ALL time! Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Our Racist Forefathers

This is like a real-life vaguely racist version of National Treasure. (Which is just a crappy version of The Da Vinci Code, which is already pretty terrible.) Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Bumper Cars Turned Into Real Cars

Photos of bumper cars that people have turned into real cars. See more images here . I want one made from this bumper car .

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Bumper Cars Turned Into Real Cars

Musk Wink Rub

I spotted this mystery spa treatment on my way into the BuzzFeed office this morning. Anybody know what it means? Do I want one?

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Musk Wink Rub