Did you miss Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 18? Have no concerns if so. You can watch Chicago Med via the video we’ve shared below: Watch Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 18 Online On the finale of this CBS drama, Dr. Rhodes treated his mentor, while Goodman faced some pretty serious personal issues. Elsewhere during an interesting hour, April dealt with a disorderly patient… Dr. Manning’s past caught up with her in a major way… and Sarah’s graduation day arrived, yet she remained conflicted about her future. Did she make a decision in the end? What was it? As we said, click on the above video to watch Chicago Med online and find out now.
Did you miss Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 18? Have no concerns if so. You can watch Chicago Med via the video we’ve shared below: Watch Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 18 Online On the finale of this CBS drama, Dr. Rhodes treated his mentor, while Goodman faced some pretty serious personal issues. Elsewhere during an interesting hour, April dealt with a disorderly patient… Dr. Manning’s past caught up with her in a major way… and Sarah’s graduation day arrived, yet she remained conflicted about her future. Did she make a decision in the end? What was it? As we said, click on the above video to watch Chicago Med online and find out now.
What went down on the Chicago Fire Season 4 finale? A whole lot of suspense, that’s what. Watch Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 23 Online To be more specific, Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 23 found Boden and Jimmy very much at odds, while Kidd dealt with her unstable ex. Also during this intense hour of television, Dawson continued on her quest to foster Louie and Casey’s new political consultant urged him to think big. Finally, as you’ll see when you use the above video to watch Chicago Fire online , the team responded to a dangerous structure inferno. Click PLAY to learn what sort of cliffhanger the series went off on for the summer.
What went down this week in The Windy City? On Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 13, a husband made a request following his wife’s death. Why was this worth noting? You need to find out what the request actually entailed. Watch Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 13 Online Meanwhile, Dr. Charles attempted to reason with a patient who wanted to remove his own arm from his body. Yes, you read that correctly. Also, a child arrived at the hospital after swallowing magnets… and Sarah had last-minute thoughts about her residency. In other words: a whole lot went down! Use the helpful video above to watch Chicago Med online and discover all you missed now.
What went down this week in The Windy City? On Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 13, a husband made a request following his wife’s death. Why was this worth noting? You need to find out what the request actually entailed. Watch Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 13 Online Meanwhile, Dr. Charles attempted to reason with a patient who wanted to remove his own arm from his body. Yes, you read that correctly. Also, a child arrived at the hospital after swallowing magnets… and Sarah had last-minute thoughts about her residency. In other words: a whole lot went down! Use the helpful video above to watch Chicago Med online and discover all you missed now.
So… did the season finale live up to the hype? On Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 13, Jace was absolutely determined to hunt down Valentine… despite his conflicted feelings on the complicated subject. Watch Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 13 Online Elsewhere, this entertaining drama bid farewell for a few months by having Clary and Simon work together to discover the key to unlocking Jocelyn’s coma,. However, as you might have surmised, breaking the spell opened up the possibility of disastrous consequences. Meanwhile, Alec faced the repercussions of his decision. What did this mean, exactly? Use the video above to watch Shadowhunters online and find out right here and now.
So… did the season finale live up to the hype? On Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 13, Jace was absolutely determined to hunt down Valentine… despite his conflicted feelings on the complicated subject. Watch Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 13 Online Elsewhere, this entertaining drama bid farewell for a few months by having Clary and Simon work together to discover the key to unlocking Jocelyn’s coma,. However, as you might have surmised, breaking the spell opened up the possibility of disastrous consequences. Meanwhile, Alec faced the repercussions of his decision. What did this mean, exactly? Use the video above to watch Shadowhunters online and find out right here and now.
On Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 18, Sylvie witnessed a murder and, as a result, was threatened by the shooter not to go to the police. Did she give in to these threats? Where did the storyline go in the end? Watch Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 18 Online Elsewhere during an intense hour, Firehouse 51 leaped into action when a fire actually broke out at a restaurant and trapped numerous people inside a vault. Uh-oh. Finally, Mouch started to get cold feet about what was on tap. Click on the video above to watch Chicago Fire online and to see how all of these big events transpired.
On Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 18, Sylvie witnessed a murder and, as a result, was threatened by the shooter not to go to the police. Did she give in to these threats? Where did the storyline go in the end? Watch Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 18 Online Elsewhere during an intense hour, Firehouse 51 leaped into action when a fire actually broke out at a restaurant and trapped numerous people inside a vault. Uh-oh. Finally, Mouch started to get cold feet about what was on tap. Click on the video above to watch Chicago Fire online and to see how all of these big events transpired.
Following last week’s emotional moment between Dawson and Mills, Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 10 featured a lot of tension between Casey and fiancee, including a drunken night out in the city. Dawson tried to apologize for her “stupid bar talk,” but Casey didn’t think confiding in a former lover about ongoing troubles at home is something that can be easily dismissed. Watch Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 10 Online This leads Casey to go drinking (A LOT!) with Severide and ending up on a random woman’s couch. Did he engage in some naughty behavior? He’s unsure, but Casey makes amends with Dawson nonetheless, saying he acted like a “jerk” during their fight. Casey later learns that Severide actually slept with the random woman and Casey simply passed out in the living room. Still, when this blonde showed up at the firehouse with Casey’s phone, he and Dawson end up in a screaming match. Says Casey, before Dawson asks for permission to go home and ends up crying all by herself: “Maybe this whole thing is too big for us. I’m trying to be a lieutenant and your fiancé, and you can’t respect either one.” Elsewhere during an emotional fall finale… Mills and Brett vanish during a call after a strange black car appears at the location. Casey and the rest of the crew track down the abandoned ambulance and an injured man, yet find no sign of the paramedics. Clearly, Anthony staged this incident as payback against Mills for his son’s death… right? Donna delivers Boden’s baby in the middle of a traffic jam, only for the newborn to go into respiratory failure. Molly’s II makes it first ride when the truck crashes and burns into a nativity display at a Christmas festival. OOPS! But some good came out of the cursed vehicle, as Hermann donated it to a soup kitchen. And that’s where we end things for Chicago Fire in 2014. What did you think of the latest installment? Remember that you can always watch Chicago Fire online via TV Fanatic if you need to catch up during the hiatus.