What went down on the Chicago Fire Season 4 finale? A whole lot of suspense, that’s what. Watch Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 23 Online To be more specific, Chicago Fire Season 4 Episode 23 found Boden and Jimmy very much at odds, while Kidd dealt with her unstable ex. Also during this intense hour of television, Dawson continued on her quest to foster Louie and Casey’s new political consultant urged him to think big. Finally, as you’ll see when you use the above video to watch Chicago Fire online , the team responded to a dangerous structure inferno. Click PLAY to learn what sort of cliffhanger the series went off on for the summer.
Following The Voice results of the previous four weeks, only eight singers remained heading into Tuesday’s intense semifinals elimination. Eight singers … soon to be only four. Four! Oh yes, The Voice ‘s epic bloodbath of a semifinal results show claimed four victims and left only the strongest quartet in the running. As you know, Christina, Pharrell, Adam and Blake could only sit back, watch, hope, pray and urge Voice fans to back the right people. Did they? Let’s break down The Voice results … It came down to a very suspenseful Twitter save as three very strong contestants had to sing for their lives to move on to the finale. The first two contestants to advance to the final four were Team Blake’s Adam Wakefield and Team Christina singer Alisan Porter. No surprise there, certainly, for the favorites. Meanwhile, Team Adam’s Shalyah Fearing and Team Blake’s Paxton Ingram comprised the bottom two and automatically went home. Beyond that, it was anyone’s game. Hannah Huston, in a minor shocker, made it to the top three, leaving Laith Al-Saadi, Mary Sarah, and Bryan Bautista on the precipice. That set up the craziest Twitter Save battle ever, with Mary taking on Carrie Underwood’s “Something in the Water” in her final effort. Bryan took on Miguel’s “Adorn,” while Laith put together a strong rendition of the Jimi Hendrix version of “All Along the Watchtower.” Laith earned 48 percent of the instant tweets to Bryan’s 30 and Mary’s 22, advancing to the final four and providing us a new twist: For the first time, all four of the superstar coaches will be represented by one singer remaining in the grand finale! Pretty awesome and tough to pull off. Well? What did you think of The Voice results? Did America get it right this week? Are you happy with who is still in the Season 10 hunt? Moreover, which singer do you think will carry enough of America’s votes the rest of the way and ultimately be named … THE VOICE? Discuss in the comments below!