Tag Archives: watch-the-films

Let’s-A-Go! Other ’80s Video Game Characters That Should Join Mario In ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’

Proving that even your grandparents now know what video games are, Wreck-It Ralph was a happy surprise hit for Disney earlier this fall. Nabbing a healthy $202,184,813 box office take, the film not only got asses in seats, it also gave the studio its best-reviewed non-Pixar film in years and confirms the company’s power as a producer of genre-based popular culture. Obviously, that makes a sequel as inevitable as death, taxes, and launch-day DLC. So what’s in store for Wreck it Ralph 2 ? A welcome injection of Italian plumbing skills. Wreck-It Ralph Director Rich Moore has confirmed that he wants to include Nintendo’s Mario , longtime rescuer of the Mushroom Kingdom (and rumored paramour of its benevolent despot, Princess Peach ) in the sequel.  In fact,  Moore told Moviehole , Nintendo signed off on an appearance by the iconic magical handyman in the first film, but the filmmakers weren’t able to figure out how to make proper use of him.  Next time around, Moore says, Mario is a given, come hell or Hiyoihoi . “We’ll really come up with something good for Mario to do [in the next film]“, he said. “To be able to present him in the sequel, would be great.” I approve. Nothing encapsulates the ’80s-era of arcade games like Super Mario Bros. , and Mario’s absence from Wreck-It Ralph felt like a missing arm, or at least a glitchy power-up box. Adding him to the sequel is better than getting a flying raccoon suit for Christmas. A trip by Ralph to the Mushroom Kingdom practically writes itself: obviously, you get from there to, say, Grand Theft Auto -land *, by finding one of Super Mario Bros. ‘ hidden warp zones. But why stop there? There are a ton of untapped arcade-game characters left to exploit. Here are my top picks: * Gauntlet: I’d love to see one of the characters (see above) from this classic hack-and-slash game show up, if only because Red Warrior will constantly complain that he “needs food badly.” * Dirk the Daring from Dragon’s Lair:   This would probably be difficult since Dragon’s Lair was created by Don Bluth, and we all know he and Disney aren’t really on speaking terms. But I’d like to imagine that these fences could be mended, even if Dirk would die via dungeon trap within three seconds of showing up. * Billy and Jimmy Lee from Double Dragon : . Sure, we’d be forced to remember Scott Wolf’s hilarious turn as Billy in the odious 1994 movie, but nothing would get a lovable, John C. Reilly -voiced misanthrope out of a jam like the combined power of twin bruisers, beating people into walls. What would you like to see? Space Ace ? The Dinosaurs from Primal Rage ? The pixel from Pong ? Let us know in comments. * Enjoy an R-rating, Disney. Ross Lincoln is a LA-based freelance writer from Oklahoma with an unhealthy obsession with comics, movies, video games, ancient history, Gore Vidal, and wine. More on Wreck-It Ralph:  ‘Wreck-It Ralph’: The 6 Best Video Game References — Leeroy Jenkins Lives! ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ — John C. Reilly Ponders His Video Game Character’s Existential Questions WATCH: The New Wreck-It Ralph Trailer Is The Best Thing Ever [ Moviehole ] Follow Ross Lincoln on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter.

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Let’s-A-Go! Other ’80s Video Game Characters That Should Join Mario In ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’

From ‘Heaven’s Gate’ To ‘Star Wars,’ Must-Read Tweets From Michael Cimino’s First 24 Hours On Twitter

Technically, Heaven’s Gate / The Deer Hunter director Michael Cimino ( @Cimino1939 ) isn’t yet verified on Twitter , but we’ll allow the man the benefit of the doubt: He’s barely been Tweeting for 24 hours and already his account is a must-read. 1980’s Heaven’s Gate was such a notorious overbudget box office bomb that you can consider “pulling a heaven’s gate” Hollywood shorthand for bombastic failure, and yet: “A number of inexcusable, misleading things have been said about me,” Cimino Tweeted after his account sprang up yesterday. With Heaven’s Gate enjoying renewed interest and critical appreciation (not to mention the estimable Criterion treatment), engaging with cinephiles three decades later could be Cimino’s ticket back into the game. “Being infamous is not fun,” Cimino said last summer at the Venice Film Festival. Welcome to Twitter, Mr. Cimino! Give the guy a follow here and cross your fingers for some real talk along the lines of these Tweets about his Heaven’s Gate infamy, how he wanted to make The Empire Strikes Back as “a Western with lasers,” and his vision for turning the Kevin Bacon punch-dancing classic Footloose into a Grapes of Wrath -esque musical comedy. Film recommendation… or modified haiku? Young people of the world / Watch the films of John Ford / All of them / They are the best.— Michael Cimino (@Cimino1939) December 07, 2012 On Heaven’s Gate breaking even — and only 32 years after release! If Criterion's new edition of HEAVEN'S GATE sells enough copies this holiday season / It will finally break even / and we rewrite history.— Michael Cimino (@Cimino1939) December 07, 2012 On that one time someone called him a chubby Garry Shandling, which I think we can all agree would suck: A hack writer once described me as “Chubby. Like an Italian Garry Shandling carrying all the baggage of a short man” That hurt / But no more— Michael Cimino (@Cimino1939) December 07, 2012 How he almost kicked off his Sunday shoes until Paramount got nervous and fired him, which is the greatest cinematic tragedy of all because who wouldn’t want a five-hour Footloose ?? I wasn't being facetious about FOOTLOOSE / I worked on it for 6 months. / My John Steinbeck inspired musical-comedy didn't reach the screen.— Michael Cimino (@Cimino1939) December 07, 2012 On making his pitch to make The Empire Strikes Back : @ maxevry @ germainlussier Unfair & unfunny. I made a unique pitch for the 2nd film in 1978/9.— Michael Cimino (@Cimino1939) December 07, 2012 …and the follow-up explanation that makes me wonder if @cimino1939 is fake/just messing with us: Everyone was pitching ideas for STAR WARS / Mine was simple: / A straight Western / but with lasers. / All the sets already built of course.— Michael Cimino (@Cimino1939) December 07, 2012 Lastly, and most importantly! On his next would-be project, and his hireability: Take note, Hollywood! I would next like to make a film of my script MAN'S FATE / I also have recently finished a sci-fi script / I am fit & well & insurable— Michael Cimino (@Cimino1939) December 07, 2012 [ @cimino1939 ]

From ‘Heaven’s Gate’ To ‘Star Wars,’ Must-Read Tweets From Michael Cimino’s First 24 Hours On Twitter