These pictures were substantially more exciting when I saw them as thumbnails…I was thinking there would be cametoe, or see through, or pretty much anything better than this…I mean she’s skinny, has a decent body, and a deadbeat dad who gave her this acting career, while he was out back drinking himself silly, going in and out of rehab for never being able to relive his oscar winning career, by instead doing shitty movie after shitty movie, tormented soul that didn’t have energy to spend on his little girl…leading to or at least I hoped whould lead to a girl craving as much male attention as possible, but instead I’m stuck with this….miserable…but I’m posting it anyway, as I want you to go on this blogger journey with me…it’s part of the process. These pics need a lot more daddy issues….and a lot more “Look at me, I’m in movies, guys want to fuck me, look at my nipples, vagina, bikini, panties, anything but this”….
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Emma Roberts is Some Long Legs Boring Shit of the Day