Tag Archives: weatherman-yesterday

If Lady Gaga Weren’t A Popstar…

What would she be like? The answer: Surprisingly normal… and still cooler than Justin Bieber . Yeah, I went there. (Via Hungry Beast .) Watch

Pavement Tickets!

Link: http://www.pavementtickets.com/ Let's take a quick break from all this Bieber talk – even I get tired of it sometimes – and head over to PavementTickets.com to celebrate the reunion of one of the greatest indie bands of all time. Of all time! This site is AMAZING. Love ya, Stephen Malkmus. (Thanks for the tip, David!) Read

You ARE A Single Lady!

Aww, the “You're Not A Single Lady” family was on the CBS morning show. Everyone is forgiven, which is nice, but you'll want to fast-forward to 1:30ish, when Losiah starts singing “Single Ladies” (again). This kid is a star. The Best Links: via Bits and Pieces Watch

Steve Carell Covers The Weather

Steve Carell stood in for the GMTV weatherman yesterday to let England know what kind of weather America was in store for this weekend. Looks like rain all the way from Mexico to Newfoundland this weekend. The Best Links: Thanks Minjae Watch