Tag Archives: were-downright

Super Bowl Commercials: Best of the Movies


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Superheroes will unite. G.I. Joe will retaliate. Taylor Kitsch will try to save the world on a couple of occasions. Sacha Baron Cohen will try to run a country. And, of course, Katniss Everdeen will be awesome. While most of the Super Bowl XLVI commercials were downright awful – Polar Bear again, Coca-Cola? More naked women, GoDaddy? – movie fans were at least treated to a number of extended looks… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Hollywood Gossip Discovery Date : 05/02/2012 20:40 Number of articles : 2

Super Bowl Commercials: Best of the Movies

VD's Got Soul!

Back in the '70s, STDs were downright jaunty . I'll leave the 'viral' video jokes up to you on this one. Watch