Tag Archives: were-stopped

Jesus Take The Wheel: Drive-by Wankstas Shoot 2 Girls At Elementary Playground 

Getty Images Pray for Chicago ya’ll. Two Chicago Girls In Critical Condition After Picnic Drive-by Two innocent elementary school girls were shot at an end of the school year picnic because some suspended children didn’t get in? That’s what Chicago police suspect, according to the Chicago Tribune . They report that girls, ages 7 and 13 were shot as children celebrated at an “end of the school year” picnic at Warren elementary’s playground. A handful of children witnessed a black car circulating the school before over a dozen shots were fired at them. Kids screamed and scattered but unfortunately the two girls were hit, one in the hand and the other, her thigh. Both were taken to a nearby hospital in serious condition. Police say they’ve taken three suspended students into custody after they were stopped in the car linked to the shooting. The kids attempted to attend the school event and were deny. This is how they chose to retaliate? SMH.

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Jesus Take The Wheel: Drive-by Wankstas Shoot 2 Girls At Elementary Playground 

What will Israel’s attack on the Gaza flotilla mean for the Mideast peace process?

Over the weekend a small flotilla of six ships attempted to breach Israel's blockade of Gaza by bringing aid via the Mediterranean Sea. They were stopped by the Israeli Navy and at least one ship was stormed by commandos. The incident has attracted international attention. Turkey has said, for example, that its Navy will escort any further aid ships – setting the stage for a possible naval altercation. Will this change the political calculus in the Mideast peace process? How should the Obama Administration respond? Is Israel justified in stopping the flotilla by force? http://current.com/news/92462009_israel-stormed-gazzas-humanitarian-aid-ship-10-… added by: afitzgerald

I have nothing to say about the Sanford business – Paul Krugman …

Who could forget Fanne Foxe and her valiant flight for freedom into the lagoon? I never did understand where she was headed.

Excerpt from:
I have nothing to say about the Sanford business – Paul Krugman …

Wilbur Mills Affair

On the night of October 9, 1974, Mills and his stripper friend Annabelle Battistella (better known as Fanne Foxe or the Argentine Firecracker) were stopped by Park Police in DC because the driver had not turned on the lights. …

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Wilbur Mills Affair