Oy vey. Will this never end?!? Justin Bieber took a DNA test last Friday in order to prove, once and for all, that he did NOT father a child with Mariah Yeater. Justin Bieber Baby Daddy Debate: The Pulse But now attorney Jeffrey Leving is speaking out and saying his client is unhappy with the procedure because no one in her camp was present for it. “We have to make sure the chain of custody is properly supervised,” Leving told E! News, explaining why he wants Bieber to take another test. “I don’t know if it was even his DNA. Evidence has to be properly supervised to make sure it is not corrupted. What I am hoping is to get DNA testing done for everybody and to have it done in a supervised setting.” Yeater, of course, dropped her lawsuit against Bieber last week, but Leving says he’ll have no choice but to “refile” if the parties can’t reach a resolution on the testing issue. Man. These people really are weasels , aren’t they?
See the article here:
Mariah Yeater Attorney Demands New Justin Bieber DNA Test