Tag Archives: whatever-color

Arianna Grande’s Crotch Shot of the DAy

Everytime I look at a cute little butt on Arianna Grande…I think about Big Sean shoving his 9-10 inch thick black cock in her aggressively, because every white girl I know who fucks back guys tells me, their athleticism goes beyond the Basketball court, but comes hard in the bedroom, and every white girl I know is left with a dead pussy, an orgasm she can’t ever forget, and a love for the black man…she will carry with her for life…because black guys LOVE fucking white girls…or whatever color Arianna Grande is…so I assume that if she’s got her pussy as beat up as I am sure you want to beat it up, but a large object, this cute little butt, is more of a gaping nightmare you’d be happy see keeps wrapped up on TV performances like this…but I’m actually into instertion, I don’t care what color dudes rail girls, 99 percent of men, including asians have bigger dicks than me, so I got no complex…but I know you white racists…fucking hate this sexual history about her…so I like bringing it up… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Arianna Grande’s Crotch Shot of the DAy

We Have All Been This Guy

“Oops, sorry — uh, just looking for the…I'll be going now.” He thought they said to just go past the first press conference on the right. Common mistake. View

Color-In Dress

A dress that's like a coloring book. Make it whatever color you want, just be sure it's really what you want. [ Via ] View