More Victoria’s Secret photoshoot pictures are being leaked to the internet because I guess it’s good free publicity and I’m not complaining because pussy on the beach whether famous models or not, whether getting paid or not is still pussy on the fucking beach so even if it is a recent mother and the pics aren’t all that hot, it’s still better than looking at pictures of my wife, but then again even the worst possible thing in the world you could think of is better than looking at my wife, because pictures of her are a reminder of how much of a fuck up I am and I already know that already so I prefer to not be reminded…. Here are some of the pigs they hire to work the photoshoots who are paid to make the models feel good about themselves, like the hot chick with 4 fat friends you see at the bar, you know the fat friends who pretty much manage them and cockblock you from getting up in them, because they decide to take a liking to you and tell the hot one you want to fuck to leave you for them, because they never get guys and it is not fair, not that you had a chance with the hot one, but sometimes rejection is better than bringing desperate second rate shit home to fuck…not that I’d know…since all I get is shit… Pics via Bauer

Excerpt from:
Alessandra Ambrosio on the Beach with some Pigs for Victoria’s Secret of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged alessandra ambrosio, Bikini, even-the-worst, models-or-not, not-complaining, Pictures, whether-famous, wife