Tag Archives: whidbey-news

(SHOCKING VIDEO):Boxing Champion Ricky Hatton Caught On Film Snorting Cocaine.

Former boxing champion, Englishman Ricky Hatton has been caught on film snorting 7 huge lines of cocaine. Strong rumors persisted about Hatton's, along with fellow countryman, Joe Calzalghe's, involvement with the drug. Calzalghe has recently come clean admitting that he has a problem and has entered a rehabilitation clinic at an unknown location. Hatton, on the other hand is said to be devastated by the now known fact that his drug usage is now on film for the entire world and his fans to see. Family members claim that this explains the depression that the former world champion has been in for quite some time. Good luck Ricky. added by: keithponder

Pregnant Wife: Husband’s Last Act Saved Me and Baby

(Sept. 13) — Brian Wood's last act was a selfless effort to save the life of his wife and his unborn child. “It breaks my heart and it also fills me with gratefulness,” a weeping Erin Wood, 31, told NBC's “Today” show this morning. “If it would have been a head-on crash, we both would have been killed and our baby,” she said. Brian Wood, 33, was pronounced dead at the scene Sept. 3 after an oncoming SUV careened across the center line on Whidbey Island in Washington state, and hurtled over the roof of Wood's 2004 Suburban. His wife was in the passenger seat. The North Vancouver, B.C., couple's first child is due in early November. Her husband of five years slammed on the brakes and swerved hard to the right, ensuring that he would take the brunt of the impact, his wife said. She had been dozing and woke to see the Chevy Blazer racing toward them. She suffered a banged head and a black eye, which was still visible today, but is otherwise fine. The unborn baby boy was unharmed, she said. Two passengers in the back seat of the truck were also killed. Last week, prosecutors charged the driver, 20-year-old Jordyn Weichert, with three counts of vehicular homicide and two counts of vehicular assault, the Whidbey News Times reported. Authorities at the scene found heroin, cocaine, marijuana and a handgun in the truck, according to court documents, local media reported. Weichert had been pulling off her sweatshirt when she asked front-seat passenger to steer for her, the Vancouver Sun said. They then lost control of the Blazer. Authorities are mulling charges against the passenger, Seattle television station KOMO reported. “Physically, I'm doing pretty well,” Erin Wood said today. “I'm not coping well. I don't think you can cope well in a situation like this.” http://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/wife-says-husband-brian-woods-last-act-sav… |htmlws-sb-n|dl1|sec1_lnk3|170296 added by: MotherForTruth