Tag Archives: while-joining

BYE DUSTY! R&Braidlette Relic JaQuavious Holiday Hijacks “King Of R&B” Debate, Gets DRAGGED Back To 2007

A lady interrupts J Holiday to ask if he is valet while he claims to be a king of r&b pic.twitter.com/4wuzY6Zeho — ment nelson (@mentnelson) December 10, 2018 The Internet Vs. JerMajesty Holiday By now, you’ve probably seen the video of J. Holiday being mistaken for valet while joining the not-so-great “King of R&B” debate–yea, we still can’t believe that happened either–in a genuinely baffling moment in music history that sparked hilarious chaos across Al Gore’s internet. J holiday sending that video pic.twitter.com/ZnvT14swhA — Dom V Harris (@DomVHarris) December 10, 2018 Peep the hilariously PETTY reactions to Jemetrius Holiday’s ‘King of R&B’ claims on the flip.

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BYE DUSTY! R&Braidlette Relic JaQuavious Holiday Hijacks “King Of R&B” Debate, Gets DRAGGED Back To 2007