There’s gotta be a fetish in this somewhere….Hayden Panettiere posing with a giant cut out of herself….in some masturbatory, twin on twin bullshit that is far less interesting that a fat black chick smothering your face while railing cocaine off each other’s hot tits….who cares….
Bill O’Reilly ripped both Chris Matthews and MSNBC on Thursday after Matthews dubiously remarked that Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has a “black Irish look.” Matthews used the term, which refers to Irish people with dark features, while railing against Cruz … and Pat Buchanan, Joseph McCarthy and O’Reilly. He said they all look alike. O’Reilly was not happy. Bill O’Reilly Slams Chris Matthews “In addition to being misguided politically, Mr. Matthews also apparently needs glasses, badly,” O’Reilly said, calling it a “desperate attempt to get attention.” The reason, O’Reilly said, is MSNBC’s ratings. “In the last six months, it’s all fallen apart for MSNBC,” he alleged. “They’re in a desperate situation right now.” O’Reilly said that the network was previously a “campaign headquarters for the president,” but “that’s vanishing now” due to Obama administration scandals . Revelations about NSA surveillance programs , DOJ investigations of journalists and IRS’ targeting of conservative groups have roiled the White House. MSNBC is “covering anything other than that, because they don’t know what to say,” O’Reilly claimed on Thursday, with no small measure of glee. MSNBC delivered woeful ratings in May, landing in fourth place behind Fox News, CNN and HLN, which saw a spike from the Jodi Arias murder trial. The network saw its lowest primetime numbers since 2009.