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What Time Is It? Daylight Saving Time 2017 Arrives, Rocks America to its Core

In an absolutely stunning and unprecedented turn of events, Daylight Saving Time 2017 shook the nation to its core Sunday morning. As a result, rattled citizens across this great country are taking to their computers, phones and friends to ask the all-important question: “What Time Is It?” Seriously. This is an actual thing going on. The trending topics on Google at this moment on the 12th day of March include “Daylight Savings Time,” “What Time is It?” and “Local Time.” It’s chaos out there in America, people. Earlier this morning, for the first time since 2016, U.S. residents (Arizona, Hawaii and P.R. excluded … lucky) were hit with a jarring reality: The need to set their clocks forward. By one hour. No more, no less. Jaws? Hitting the ground. Fear not, though. Breathe. We’ve got this, people. We got it. If we band together, we can not only come to grips with this, but thrive. THG has provided a helpful  Daylight Saving Time 2017  visual aid to assist you and keep you on an even emotional keel today. See above. You’re welcome. While the time change costs us an hour of sleep, evenings will be noticeably brighter, a reminder that spring is just around the corner. The sun will set around 7 p.m. or later in most of the U.S., meaning no more commuting home in the dark and more hours to be outside. Cities on the western edge of time zones will enjoy the latest sunsets, as they always do, but must also endure the darkest mornings. One of the biggest arguments against Daylight Saving Time is the reduction in light in the mornings, especially with kids going to school. Of course, the Earth is still moving in the right direction, and the sun will continue to rise earlier and earlier for the next three months. The arrival of spring means that daylight is now increasing at its most rapid pace of the year, so the mornings won’t be dark for long. By mid-April, sunrise will have “caught up” to where it was before DST, so you’ll have that extra hour of evening light and then some. If you don’t like it? Well, you’re probably giving this way too much thought, but we have some reassuring news for you just the same. Just wait 7.75 months and ride this thing on out. Come November 5, you can go back to Standard Time and pretend this never happened. See below:

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What Time Is It? Daylight Saving Time 2017 Arrives, Rocks America to its Core