I guess the LOL of the day is Taylor Swift confidently posing and making seductive sexy model faces…that are obviously forced for her awkward, zero sex appeal, bullshit romantic tween love song career…but you can tell she wants it so bad…she wants to be a Victoria’s Secret model she abducted, adopted, locked in her basement to either steal their souls, or maybe make them teach her everything she knows…because she had no childhood, and they are her interactive toys…who she can learn everything she needs from…but despite being a calculated, formulaic, contrived act that has worked because America is lazy…she still isn’t something I’d ever jerk off to…and even if I was fucking her, I’d probably have my eyes closed while thinking about everyone who isn’t Taylor Swift to cum…even though she’s the biggest act around, that everyone is attaching themselves to…she just can’t give me a boner…but I guess very little can…thanks to importance…but she can’t even stimulate my brain into wanting to sex offend her..and I’ve sex offended inanimate objects..something I think Taylor Swift may be… You’ve already seen the pics… The post Taylor Swift Has No Sex Appeal for GQ Video of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Taylor Swift Has No Sex Appeal for GQ Video of the DAy