Tag Archives: wife-as-parents

Halle Berry in Black Face of the Day

I know black people. I hang out with black people. There is no way that Halle Berry is not making this face in response to people like me who have been questionning her blackness. Yeah, I’ve heard her bullshit speech in interviews where she pretends she’s black cuz her skin is not enitrely white, leading to an identity crisis and real understanding of the black plight, despite being the kind of black girl who crosses the street at night walking towards a group of black people. I blame her white mom for getting knocked up by a brother who didn’t leave his name or number, her white suburban upbringing, white schooling, white friends, her white husbands, her white bank account…. So she can suck her lips like the best dude from the Islands after eating fried chicken and hot sauce with the best of them, the only thing black about her is the lie that the media companies thought she could pull off cuz they were in need of a black woman to win an academy award without actually hiring one…cuz other ethnicities make them nervous…or some shit. She does have nice tits though.

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Halle Berry in Black Face of the Day

Brooke Hogan and Her Trashy Mom In Florida of the Day

Nothing really needs to be said about how white trash the Hogan’s are and really what does anyone really expect, cuz raising your kids in Florida is bad enough, throwing in a superstar wrestler from a backwoods trailer park who likes young pussy his sperm made and his stripper wife as parents, give them millions of dollars, and this weirdness happens. Sometimes, pictures are enough. I haven’t been to Florida since the late 80s and it seems like nothing has really changed from the time spent at the topless donut shop and walking the neon, implant, mullet, crazy pant filled beach. It’s like some white trash time warp and I am confused… What’s weirder is that Hulk is jerking off to these as you read this post…this is his number 1 fantasy…this is his porn….not that you’re reading this post…but I’m writing it assuming you are…cuz it gives me purpose.

Brooke Hogan and Her Trashy Mom In Florida of the Day