Tag Archives: will-instead

What’s On: The Perfection of New Directions

Are you prepared to leave Glee for the summer? Tonight’s season finale sees some big cameos, the big showdown of the year, and more scheming from that tracksuited dame with the bullhorn. I’d prefer the soundtrack include every obvious song choice: “The End,” “Last Dance,” etc. I think Mercedes has some mad Jim Morrison and Donna Summer poses in her.

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What’s On: The Perfection of New Directions

Voltron Movie Scrapped

Your Saturday-morning cartoon flashbacks suffered another blow this week as the long-planned Voltron: Defender of the Universe adaptation died in captivity. The animation reboot will instead be sold off to TV for parts — 26 parts, to be exact, airing next year on Nicktoons. This follows the reassignment of ThunderCats and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers projects from the big to small screens as well. Can’t anybody appreciate a sword-wielding robot made out of lion spaceships anymore? Sheesh. [ Variety via JoBlo ]

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Voltron Movie Scrapped