Toya Wright Defends Trying To Save Her Marriage With Memphitz Reality star Toya Wright is currently starring in Bravo’s Untying The Knot alongside her husband Memphitz recently revealed in a preview for the show that she gives her hubby “hall passes” for cheating. How many hall passes, you say? EIGHT a year. Would u allow ur man 2 get a “Hall Pass” 8days out of every yr? #HallPass #Memphitz #ToyaWright — Jay (@TresDeuceDeuce) November 7, 2015 Toya caught hell for allowing her hubby to cheat but says that she wishes closed minds came with closed mouths: The reality star says she refuses to apologize for trying to make her marriage work even if people can’t and won’t understand it. Do you think Toya should just give up or save her union? Hit the flip to peep more responses next…
The rest is here:
Untying The Knot: Toya Wright Defends Trying To Save Her Marriage After Giving Memphitz 8 Hall Passes To Cheat