Tag Archives: work-at-frady

Daniel L Simmons picture, Charleston shooting victim

Daniel L Simmons, 45, a retired pastor from another church in Charleston, also died. He attended the church every Sunday for services and Wednesdays for bible study, his daughter-in-law said. Unlike the other victims, he was rushed to hospital but he passed away on the operating table, the coroner said. Debbie Dills, a florist and a minister, was running late for work at Frady#39;s Florist at 10.30am on Thursday when she passed a familiar-looking black Hyundai at a red light on Highway 74 i

Daniel L Simmons picture, Charleston shooting victim

New Christina Aguilera hacked photos 2014

The new hacked photos of Christina Aguilera surfaced on the internet Sunday morning after an alleged hacker posted them online. “This is a flagrant violation of privacy. The authorities have been contacted and will prosecute anyone who posts the stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence.” While it is still unclear exactly how these pictures surfaced, Buzzfeed has reportedly traced the images back to 4Chan, a popular image based bulletin board system that is mostly used anonymously This isn#39;t the

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New Christina Aguilera hacked photos 2014