Tag Archives: working-retail

Memorial Day stepLINKS of the Day

It’s memorial day weekend…I am drunk…I forgot to post links but remember Jesus is died for your sins…and soldiers died for the sins of evil government.. Make up for it with BBQ, Bikinis, bitches, booze…while they are dead from dying for your freedom you don’t deserve…just doing what they thought was right….because they were marketed to think it was…by evil government… Memorial day is about remembering evil government…and tits..and fallen soldiers..and that’s about it…so take it in while I drink.. strong> Pedestrian Karma of the Day CLICK HERE Apple Pie Isn’t American CLICK HERE Caroline Vreeland Breasts! CLICK HERE Gal Gadot Slutty in a Red Dress CLICK HERE Bikini Slut CLICK HERE All of the Sluts at Cannes CLICK HERE Lindsay Pelas – Monster Tits CLICK HERE Weird Unlikely Animal Friedns CLICK HERE Important See Through of the Day CLICK HERE Rat Cow Ass in a Bikini CLICK HERE Bella Hadid Trying Hard CLICK HERE Kate Upton Tits at an Event CLICK HERE Nicki Minaj – Erotica CLICK HERE Panty Slut CLICK HERE Slut Teaches you Austrian – Hitler Spoke Austrian CLICK HERE Virtual Assistants Do Stand-Up Comedy CLICK HERE Slutty Gymnast of the DAy CLICK HERE Bikini Slut CLICK HERE Dog Cohosts the NEws CLICK HERE Cyndi Lauper House is Good… CLICK HERE =============== From stepSMUT!! LINKS BELOW ARE NSFW! ================ The Best Spot for Free Hot Girls Being Girls on Webcam – Better than Working Retail…I Watch This Shit Every Day… CLICK HERE Hands Down Her Panties CLICK HERE An Apple in your Butt a Day CLICK HERE Cam Girls Being Slutty Cheap and Easy CLICK HERE Hot Slut – Tied Up

alt : http://www.orsm.us/v/update20170518/amateur-this-curvy-blonde-goddess-is-fucking-amazing.mp4http://www.orsm.us/v/update20170518/amateur-this-curvy-blonde-goddess-is-fucking-amazing.mp4

Originally posted here:
Memorial Day stepLINKS of the Day

See "Brienne the Beauty" Baring Boobies in Bizarre Art Pics [PICS]

If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, you know Gwendoline Christie as the female knight Brienne of Tarth, also known as “Brienne the Beauty”. But what you may not know is before she ever graced the boob tube, Gwen went totally nude in a series of whacked-out photographs by British artist Polly Borland. Gwen, who stands 6’3″ (” or 6’4 1/2 “, she says, ” depending on when you measure me “), caught Polly’s eye while working retail in Brighton, England. Polly says she walked in to the shop where Gwen worked one day “and there she was, surrounded by men, showing them some photos of herself at a recent party. I told her who I was and asked if she would be interested in me taking some photos of her, and she immediately said, “As you can see, I’m an exhibitionist, so I’d love that’.” Gwen and Polly ended up working together for nearly five years on the series, Bunny , although Polly says ” it did take me about six months to persuade her to take off her clothes .” Gwen explains that, at first, ” what I found terrifying early on was being confronted by my own nakedness,” but “after three years of drama school… I can look at the photos and think, ‘Wow, that looks great’.” See more of Gwendoline Christie nude in Polly Borland’ s Bunny series after the jump!

The rest is here:
See "Brienne the Beauty" Baring Boobies in Bizarre Art Pics [PICS]

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