Tag Archives: years-as-part

Guess The Barefoot Banger

Which Hollywood Star Shed Her Shoes Outside Chateau Marmont These feet belong to a Hollyweird star who was a staple on prime TV for years as part of a family friendly series. She’s been out of the spotlight in recent years but fortunately we still get to see her all the time because showbiz is the family business. Think you know who she is? Hit the flip for the answer! AKM-GSI

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Guess The Barefoot Banger

Denial Really Is A River In Egypt


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Lot of stuff this morning on Egypt to discuss. First, President Obama has made his official statement on the matter , saying “All governments must maintain power through consent, not coercion.” Second, a report from the UK’s Telegraph newspaper indicates America has been secretly backing regime change in Egypt for the last three years as part of the trove of WikiLeaks State Department cables. In a… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Zandar Versus The Stupid Discovery Date : 29/01/2011 17:54 Number of articles : 2

Denial Really Is A River In Egypt