Tag Archives: yet-advertisers

Jena Goldsack Has No Nipples in Lingerie for Glamour Italia of the Day

I follow JENA GOLDSACK on social media, mainly instagram, mainly because I follow fucking everyone I come across who is a 7 or better. They don’t need to be models, they can be random tinder girls who don’t swipe right on me, they can be no names who are just slutty, I just pile the fuck on the following….and it turns out that that isn’t Instagram’s point, the point isn’t to follow people who you may want to fuck or find compelling, it’s to not follow people, but get people following you, so you look famous…or important…or cool…it’s called “RATIO”…and it actually works, but I’ve always been the kind of guy who follows hot girls, whether down dark alleys or from club to club, to casually pump into them, and I’ve never been one too interested in getting followers….meaning I did the whole thing wrong…but thank god it’s about to self destruct thanks to Facebook owning them and being the devil and shit.. That said, I may follow JENA GOLDSACK, but have no idea who she is or what she’s done, I just know she’s in this lingerie shoot with no nipples for Glamour Italia and it’s not magical or life changing, but it happened…which is better than it not happening – I guess… The post Jena Goldsack Has No Nipples in Lingerie for Glamour Italia of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jena Goldsack Has No Nipples in Lingerie for Glamour Italia of the Day

Rihanna’s Nipples in a Music Video of the Day

The funny thing about Rihanna’s nipples is that if she puts them out in a music video, she will still get featured by the record label, she will still sell records, she will still get asked to promote and spokesmodel for brands, her video won’t get pulled from youtube, her instagram will not actually get deleted unless for a publicity stunt by instagram… Yet when I post her pics, I am considered a NSFW porn site, I can’t sell ads to big brands, I can’t make internet money so many other people have made, I can’t buy yacht’s private jets or throw outrageous houseparties for the people who are into the site… I used to be mad about it, thinking, I do this stupid site all day, never to get rich, just because it is what I do, yet advertisers block me, shut me down, don’t support anything I do, despite being the dirtiest cokeheads who cheat on their wives around… Now I think it’s power, because I can turn Rihanna nipple into porn…and this is how I do it… According to ad agencies, brands and marketers, I just made Rihanna a pornstar…and that’s more power than any private jet the internet could have bought me… here’s the video! The post Rihanna’s Nipples in a Music Video of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rihanna’s Nipples in a Music Video of the Day

Edie Campbell for Love Magazine of the Day

I am going to assume that Edie Campbell is the heriess to Campbell soup…. And I’m sticking to that… Because I’m not sticking it to her… Sicne we don’t know each other and if we did we probably wouldn’t get along, you know with her whole being British and a model..and me thinking she’s too tall…and her thinking I’m too short and fat…it’d never work.. But I’ll still look at her tits…because nipples used to be something sacred I could exploit and now they are so mainstream and boring, yet advertisers still think I’m porn… Fuck those guys..even if you’d rather be fucking this guy.. The post Edie Campbell for Love Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Edie Campbell for Love Magazine of the Day