Tag Archives: young-bitches

Shakira’s Gold Underwear of the Day

I don’t think Shakira is as interesting, or amazing, or hot as all the perverts on Youtube….but I have POSTED ON HER ENOUGH to appreciate her ass shaking in video as much as I appreciate any bitch who makes ass shaking videos that go viral…whether hot, tight and South American….or big fat and black…shit always makes me happy….even when I go to strippers and I see the young bitches practicing their ass shaking in hopes of one day being a pro ass shaker I laugh to myself….cuz ass shaking is what life is fucking made of, too bad we’re all going to die this upcoming year…RIP us.

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Shakira’s Gold Underwear of the Day

Stephanie Seymour’s Old Lady St Bart’s Bikini Pics of the Day

Why bother looking at old Youtube videos of a model from when she was in her fucking prime back in the early 90s, when you can look at pics of her battered fucking mom vagina that has seen its share of dicks squeezed into a bikini, all old with less elasticity in her skin…I mean shit…old middle aged moms with 20 year old kids who were once models are hotter than most middle aged moms you see trying to stay fit at the gym…but no matter all the work they put into themselves..they are still disgusting….in the grand scheme of things…sure they do anal and are easy going compared to young bitches…but there’s a fucking trade off and here are some pics of that trade off… To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Stephanie Seymour’s Old Lady St Bart’s Bikini Pics of the Day

Melissa George “Accidental” Titty Pic on Twitter of the Day

I follow Russell Simmons on Twitter but I don’t pay attention to what he says, I just focus on his adult lisp, and mock it, while he sits on his pile money while fucking hot young bitches, but apparently, he posts titty pics of his bitch…and that’s still not gonna make me pay more attention to his nonsense cuz twitter is stupid…and I don’t care what any of you motherfuckers are up to or the nonsense that comes up in your idiot head…I’m too busy focusing on myself….cuz we live in a self involved amazing world….now look at her titties…I’m sure this move was real accidental….

Excerpt from:
Melissa George “Accidental” Titty Pic on Twitter of the Day