Tag Archives: looking-at-old

Ariana Grande Is A Cutie

I keep looking at old pictures of Ariana Grande and I can’t believe how she turned out. She was such an ugly child. I’m more than positive that she had tons of work done. I don’t know for sure, but how does one get to be so cute when so ugly. And we’re not talking about that many years ago. Anyway, here she is in some campaign. Enjoy.            

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Ariana Grande Is A Cutie

Kim Kardashian: Melting Down Over Weight Gain!

Paging all chefs, Kim Kardashian is in need of some healthy recipes ! No, the reality star isn’t eating badly, but she is putting on A LOT of weight – and sources tell Star that the enormous pound package is irking the amateur sex tape actress. Big time. “She’s looking at old pictures of herself on her computer and her phone for literally hours at a time, pining for her pre-pregnancy body,” an insider supposedly tells the tabloid. “She is seriously melting down.” With stress already causing a miscarriage scare for Kim, the magazine goes on to say Kardashian is a general mess about her outward appearance. “Kim is desperate to stop gaining so much weight, but she can’t seem to get it under control,” says this mole. “She cries every other day, and she’s scared to see how big she’ll get.” Among other article allegations: Kardashian has already gained 65 pounds. She sleeps in Spanx. She pours “hundreds of dollars worth of” stretch mark cream over her body each day. She fears Kanye West will cheat on her. Concludes the feature: Kim “thinks her butt looks like a big hunk of cheese.” Okay. So at least one aspect of this story is true.

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Kim Kardashian: Melting Down Over Weight Gain!

Katie Holmes Shitty See Through of the Day

Here’s some not so exciting sci-fi, space invader, they walk amongst us shit…all kinds of pictures of Katie Holmes in what looks like a see through dress showing some bra…cuz bras are the new outerwear…..proving that not only is she going to out live all of us being saved by her alien sex partners who abduct her and probe her anally as her Daughter plots global domination every night while Tom Cruise jerks off in the corner, cuz alien cock in his mouth doesn’t make him gay….you understand people?….but that she’s also a total slut.

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Katie Holmes Shitty See Through of the Day

Stephanie Seymour’s Old Lady St Bart’s Bikini Pics of the Day

Why bother looking at old Youtube videos of a model from when she was in her fucking prime back in the early 90s, when you can look at pics of her battered fucking mom vagina that has seen its share of dicks squeezed into a bikini, all old with less elasticity in her skin…I mean shit…old middle aged moms with 20 year old kids who were once models are hotter than most middle aged moms you see trying to stay fit at the gym…but no matter all the work they put into themselves..they are still disgusting….in the grand scheme of things…sure they do anal and are easy going compared to young bitches…but there’s a fucking trade off and here are some pics of that trade off… To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Stephanie Seymour’s Old Lady St Bart’s Bikini Pics of the Day