Tag Archives: your-all-time

21 Awesomest Animal Photobombs: Click, LOL Now!

HA! Click around these animal photobombs ad try to decide which is your all-time favorite. 1. Squirrel Photobomb What a ham! This squirrel jumps up and turns a basic vacation photo into a legendary snapshot. 2. Hippo Photobomb This is the sort of risk one runs when one poses for a photograph inside an aquarium. 3. Pigeon Photobomb Lots of people have a photo of their significant other in front of this landmark. But how many folks have a picture like this?? 4. Giraffe Photobomb Some photobombs are subtle. Others, not so much. Can you guess into which camp this photo falls? 5. Photobomb in the Wilderness Excuse me, children. But I’m pretty sure people would rather look at me than look at you. 6. Painful Photobomb Don’t worry. It’s okay to laugh. This woman was unharmed in this amazing photo. View Slideshow

See the original post here:
21 Awesomest Animal Photobombs: Click, LOL Now!

Ruin The Beatles!

Beatles Rock Band comes out tomorrow, so you can finally butcher classic Beatles songs in the comfort of your home. While we wait, let's do a collaborative version of the same concept on BuzzFeed! Go to YouTube, search for covers of your all-time favorite Beatles song, then post the best/worst result

See original here:
Ruin The Beatles!