Tag Archives: yours-at-least

Justin Bieber Apology Video: I’m a Person Who Cares! I’m Kind and Loving and Gentle and Soft!

Justin Bieber, looking to turn over a new leaf, followed up a contrite appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show with a video apology to his fans. The pop singer, whose downward spiral has become the stuff of legend in recent years, posted an emotional mea culpa to Facebook late last night … Justin Bieber Apologizes for Actions As we told you earlier, Justin Bieber broke down on Ellen , admitting he was nervous in front of the audience but coming clean about his bad behavior. Without getting into specifics, such as egging homes, peeing in buckets, acting like a jackass in court depositions and so on, he told DeGeneres: “I’ve done some things that might not have been the greatest. I just want to be able to, you know, just kind of own up to some of the things.” On the Facebook video, the soon-to-be 21-year-old addressed his fans – and the Ellen interview, during which he was noticeably awkward. He seemed to chalk that up to how seriously he takes his own actions. Bieber said he hoped he didn’t come off like he was “arrogant or conceited, or basically how I’ve been acting the past year, year and a half.” “I’m not who I was pretending to be. Often we pretend to be something we’re not as a cover-up of what we’re truly feeling inside,” Justin said. Justin Bieber Opens Up on Ellen “There was a lot of feelings going on in there, just being young and growing up in this business. It’s been hard. Growing up in general is hard.” “I really want people to know how much I care about people, and how I’m not that person to say ‘I don’t give a f–k. You know, I’m not that kid.” “I’m a person who genuinely cares,” he adds. “And although what’s happened in the past has happened, I just want to make the best impression on people.” Justin Bieber, in the eyes of Justin Bieber, is “kind and loving and gentle and soft. And although people can call me a softie, that’s how my mom raised me.” Actions, as they say, speak louder than words, but he’s certainly using all the right ones as he looks to turn things around in his career and life. With the Comedy Central roast of Justin Bieber approaching, he’s looking to atone and be at peace with the past, while making his future brighter. A bold ambition given his past antics, but we’ll see where he takes it … 25 Reasons Justin Bieber Needs to Get Punched 1. He Bragged About Taking Selena Gomez’s Virginity The guy actually had the nerve to brag about how he took Selena Gomez’s v-card and how she was so in love with him at the time. Classy move.

Originally posted here:
Justin Bieber Apology Video: I’m a Person Who Cares! I’m Kind and Loving and Gentle and Soft!

Drew Brees Settles DeflateGate Debate Once and For All!

As you may have heard, Tom Brady’s balls have been in the news quite a bit this week.  Sadly, the story has nothing to do with a Gisele Bundchen sex tape and everything to do with the New England Patriots possibly getting caught cheating yet again. Did some rogue equipment manager doctor Tom’s balls on his own? Does Bill Belichick’s pseudo-scientific explanation pass muster? Is Brady pouting and whining about the whole situation? The answer to that last question is a resounding “yes,” but the other two remain mysteries. Fortunately, the patron Saint of football science, Drew Brees, is here to shed some light on the situation: Drew Brees Solves DeflateGate Brees tries to be diplomatic, telling Conan O’Brien he has “no idea” if Belichick and company are guilty, but he proceeds to basically prove that: It’s easy to detect if a football has been deflated. Softer footballs are easier to throw. Some big questions remain following Brees’ demonstration: Did he intend to blow up Brady’s spot by basically suggesting that any QB can tell if a ball’s been deflated the moment he touches it? Who’s gonna pay for that light he broke? And, most importantly, when will Brees finally get that thing on his face checked out? These are the issues we’re grappling with in the days leading up to Super Bowl XLIX. Meanwhile, of course, Tom terrific is focused on what really matters: finding a store that sells Uggs in the Phoenix area. Tom Brady Defends Use of Balls 1. Don’t rub my balls! Leave that to me, please.

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Drew Brees Settles DeflateGate Debate Once and For All!

Comcast Apologizes For Renaming Customer "A–hole Brown" on Bill

Comcast is on the hot seat again after its mailings changed a customer’s first name to “A–hole” after his wife pulled the plug on part of their service. Ricardo Brown, a customer from Washington State, received bills that referred to him as “A–hole Brown” following a call his wife placed to the company. Lisa Brown said she believes the insulting bill could have been retaliation for her decision to change part of her contract to reduce the monthly cost. “I was never rude,” the two-year customer said of her experience with Comcast. “It could have been that person was upset because I didn’t take the offer.” Comcast confirmed the name on the Brown family’s bill had been changed, but a rep said he had no idea how it happened, according to news reports. After the offending statement, seen above, went viral, Comcast Vice President of Communications for the Washington region issued an apology. “We have spoken with our customer and have apologized for this completely unacceptable and inappropriate name change,” said Steve Kipp yesterday. “We have absolutely zero tolerance for this type of disrespectful behavior and are conducting a thorough investigation to determine what happened.” Ultimately, the cable giant waived a $60 fee it imposed when Brown canceled part of her account, and refunded her for two years of service. That’s at least going the extra mile to make it up to her, we’ll give the conglomerate that. Long story short, though? Epic fail, Comcast. Epic. Fail. 29 Fails That Weren’t Yours at Least 1. Going Up This is what happens when you try to sherpa your belongings up an escalator.

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Comcast Apologizes For Renaming Customer "A–hole Brown" on Bill