Tag Archives: youth-ancient

Victoria’s Secret Babes Half Naked of the Day

Someone told me that I need to get over my love for Candice Swanepoel…because it is boring, repetitive, not funny…but is love supposed to be comedic…it love a joke….isn’t love supposed to be a beautiful and romantic thing that changes our life….and makes it a better place worth living…I’m talking about what Disney stories are made of…what makes us cry when it ends…and cry when it happens and cry all the fucking time…cuz it’s just that good for our souls…it’s not a joke…people…it’s not a joke…. That said…here’s Karlie Kloss, Cameron Russell, Candice Swanepoel, Miranda Kerr, …half naked…good times….

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Victoria’s Secret Babes Half Naked of the Day

Demi Moore Old and Covered in Mud in Mexico of the Day

Viva Mexico and I am not just saying that I because I was born in Mexico….Viva fucking Mexico cuz Demi Moore is rubbing herself down in what may or may not be donkey shit….and what may or may not be Myan sewage…..and what may or not be traveler’s diarrhea…cuz she probably heard it was some spiritual ritual that will turn her into Peter Pan….or some fountain of youth ancient alien thing…..that she fucking needs cuz that plastic surgery is wearing off… These pics are a month old…but all amazing… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Demi Moore Old and Covered in Mud in Mexico of the Day